ISEKAI by Claude Glass
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The term Isekai directly translates from Japanese to “different world”, a genre of anime that focuses on a single or group of characters who are transported from one reality to another - often fantastical in theme and flavour.
In this, Claude Glass finds a parallel between this “journey” between realities and his own process of consuming and producing art and media (music, games and film) as a method of escaping from reality to a “different world”.
The idea of “accidental travel” is also a plot device of isekai anime, where characters are thrust against their will into another reality or dimension. Finding this an apt metaphor for his own experiences navigating through self-diagnosed dissociation and sporadic depressivestates, Isekai delves into Claude Glass’ reflections through his growth and decay.
released December 18, 2020
Mixed by Leonard Soosay
Artwork by Marc Gabriel Loh